อ้างอิง ของ แคทเธอรีน เดอ เมดีชี

  1. Pronounced 'medi-cease'. See also the French titles listed under 'Further reading' below.
  2. แคทเธอรีน เดอ เมดิชิ (Catholic Encyclopedia)
  3. Knecht, Catherine de’ Medici, 272 (แคทเธอรีน เดอ เมดิชิ โดย คเน็คท์)
  4. Heller, 120.
  5. Quoted by Knecht, Catherine de’ Medici, xii.
  6. For a summary of the fluctuations in Catherine's historical reputation, see the preface to R. J. Knecht's Catherine de' Medici (1998: xi–xiv)
  7. Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 20.
  8. Frieda, 454.
  9. Sutherland, for example, suggests that it was largely thanks to Catherine that Henry III was not deposed (p. 26). For contrasting summaries of Catherine’s achievement, see Nicola Sutherland’s pamphlet Catherine de Medici and the Ancien Régime (1966: 5–34), R. J. Knecht’s concluding chapter to Catherine de’ Medici (1998: 270–75), and Leonie Frieda’s concluding chapter to Catherine de Medici ([2003] 2005 edition: 453–56).
  10. Thomson, 97.
    •Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 3.
  11. 1 2 Frieda, 35.
  12. Frieda, 45.
  13. Goro Gheri, 15 April 1519, quoted by Frieda, 14.
  14. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 8.
  15. Frieda, 23–24.
  16. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 11.
  17. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 10–11.
  18. Frieda, 29–30.
  19. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 12.
  20. Frieda, 31; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 14.
  21. 1 2 Frieda, 53; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 16.
  22. Frieda, 52. The contract was signed on the 27th and the religious ceremony took place the next day.
  23. Frieda, 53.
  24. Frieda, 54.
  25. "J'ai reçu la fille toute nue." Frieda, 54.
  26. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 29–30. Henry legitimised the child under the name Diane de France; he also produced at least two sons by other women.
  27. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 29.
  28. Knecht, 29.
  29. Frieda, 67.
  30. Frieda, 68.
  31. Frieda, 60, 95; Heritier, 38–42.
  32. Frieda, 114, 132,
  33. Morris, 247; Frieda, 80.
  34. Frieda, 118; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 42–43.
  35. Frieda, 80–86.
  36. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 38; Frieda, 94–95.
  37. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 34; Frieda, 123.
  38. Frieda, 84.
  39. Guy, 46.
  40. Guy, 41.
  41. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 55.
  42. 1 2 3 Pettegree, 154.
  43. Frieda, 5. As reported by eyewitness Nicholas Throckmorton, the English ambassador.
  44. Frieda, 6.
  45. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 56–58; Frieda, 146.
  46. Guy, 102–3.
  47. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 59; Frieda, 140.
  48. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 60.
  49. Morris, 248.
  50. “This being the good pleasure of the Queen, my lady-mother, and I also approving of every opinion that she holdeth, am content and command that ....” Frieda, 146.
  51. Frieda, 144.
  52. Frieda, 144.
  53. Frieda, 154; Holt, 38–39.
  54. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 64; Holt, 44. The incident was known later as the Amboise conspiracy]].
  55. Knecht, Renaissance France, 282.
  56. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 65–66.
  57. Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 32.
  58. Frieda, 151; Knecht, 72; Guy, 119.
  59. Pettegree, 154; Hoogvliet, 105. The regency was traditionally the preserve of the princes of the blood.
  60. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 73.
  61. Quoted by Frieda, 203.
  62. Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 28.
  63. Manetsch, 22.
  64. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 80.
  65. Knecht, Renaissance France, 311; Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 11–12. The edict, also known as the Edict of Toleration and the Edict of January, was significant for effectively recognising the existence of Protestant churches and permitting their worship outside city walls.
  66. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 87; Frieda, 188.
  67. Frieda, 188–89.
  68. Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 140.
  69. Frieda, 191. The rebels signed the Treaty of Hampton Court (1562) with Elizabeth I of England, giving her Le Havre (to be exchanged later for Calais), in return for her support.
  70. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 89.
  71. Frieda, 192–93. His wife, Jeanne d'Albret, remained queen regnant of Navarre; and her eight-year-old son Henry IV of France became First Prince of the Blood.
  72. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 90.
  73. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 91; Carroll, 126; Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 17.
  74. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 91–92.
  75. Quoted by Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 149.
  76. Frieda, 268; Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 20.
  77. Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 15.
  78. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 104, 107–8; Frieda, 224.
  79. Wood, 17.
  80. Frieda, 234; Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 147.
  81. Frieda, 239; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 118.
  82. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 120.
  83. Frieda, 232.
  84. Bryson, 204.
  85. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 132.
  86. Frieda, 241.
  87. Wood, 28.
  88. Holt, 77; Frieda, 397. In 1579, François, Duke of Alençon, visited Elizabeth, who affectionately dubbed him "her frog" but, as always, proved elusive.
  89. Frieda, 257; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 135.
  90. Bryson, 282.
  91. Jeanne d'Albret wrote to her son, Henry: "I am not free to talk with either the King or Madame, only the Queen Mother, who goads me [me traite á la fourche] ... You have doubtless realized that their main object, my son, is to separate you from God, and from me". Quoted by Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 148–49.
  92. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 151. An autopsy revealed tuberculosis and an abscess.
  93. Sutherland, Massacre of St Bartholomew, 313.
  94. Frieda, 254, 304–5; Holt, 83. The investigators traced the house and horse to the Guises and claimed to have found evidence that the would-be killer was Charles de Louviers de Maurevert
  95. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 154–57. Coligny was lobbying the king to intervene against the empire in the Netherlands.
    * Frieda, 292. The Duke of Anjou was later reported as saying that he and Catherine had planned the assassination with Anne d'Este, who longed to avenge her husband, Duke Francis of Guise.
    * For an overview of historians' various interpretations, see Holt, 83–4.
  96. Pettegree, 159–60.
  97. Holt, 84. Gaspard de Saul recalled that Catherine had summoned a war council in the Tuileries Palace (so as not to be overheard) to plan the next move: "Because the attempt on the Admiral would cause a war, she, and the rest of us, agreed that it would be advisable to bring battle in Paris". It is almost certain, however, that when Charles gave the order "Kill them all!", he meant those drawn up on a list by Catherine, and not, as has often been claimed, all Huguenots.
  98. Frieda, 306–8.
  99. Holt, 84.
  100. Quoted by Morris, 252.
  101. Frieda, 324.
  102. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 163–64; Heller, 117; Manetsch, 60–61. The misogyny and anti-Italianism in Huguenot "histories" proved seductive not only to Protestants but to Catholics seeking a scapegoat for France's woes.
  103. Frieda, 350.
  104. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 172.
  105. Frieda, 375.
  106. Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 232, 240, 247.
  107. Frieda, 369.
  108. Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 22.
  109. Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 205.
  110. Frieda, 397.
  111. Holt, 104.
  112. Holt, 105–6; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 186; Frieda, 384–87.
  113. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 212–13; Frieda, 406–7.
  114. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 217.
  115. Frieda, 404.
  116. Frieda, 414.
  117. Frieda, 415.
  118. Frieda, 416; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 254–55.
  119. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 189; Frieda, 389.
  120. Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 209; Frieda, 392.
  121. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 200.
  122. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 201.
  123. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 185; Frieda, 386.
  124. Pettegree, 164.
  125. Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 255.
  126. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 249; Frieda, 412.
  127. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 251.
  128. Knecht, Renaissance France, 440.
  129. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 253.
  130. Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 287.
  131. Frieda, 420; Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 257.
  132. Frieda, 362–63.
  133. "The Day of the Barricades" , as the revolt became known, "reduced the authority and prestige of the monarchy to its lowest ebb for a century and a half". Morris, 260.
  134. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 263.
  135. Frieda, 432.
  136. Henry wrote a note to Villeroy, which began: "Villeroy, I remain very well contented with your service; do not fail however to go away to your house where you will stay until I send for you; do not seek the reason for this my letter, but obey me". Sutherland, Secretaries of State, 300–3.
  137. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 264–65.
  138. Pettegree, 165.
  139. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 266. The words were reported to the government of Florence by Catherine's doctor, Filippo Cavriana, who acted as their informant.
  140. 1 2 Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 267.
  141. 1 2 Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 268–69.
  142. Brantôme, 88.
  143. Hoogvliet, 109.
  144. Knecht, 220.
  145. Knecht, 240–41.
  146. Dimier, 205–6.
  147. Dimier, 308–19; Jollet, 17–18.
  148. 1 2 Blunt, 98.
  149. Blunt calls Caron's style "perhaps the purest known type of Mannerism in its elegant form, appropriate to an exquisite but neurotic society". Blunt, 98, 100.
  150. Frieda, 225.
  151. Yates, 68.
  152. Yates, 51; Strong, 102, 121–22.
  153. Lee, 44.
  154. Babelon, 263.
  155. Frieda, 79, 455; Sutherland, Ancien Régime, 6.
  156. Knecht, 228.
  157. Knecht, 223.
  158. Frieda, 266; Hoogvliet, 108.
  159. Zerner, 379.
  160. Hoogvliet, 111. Ronsard may be referring to Artemisia, who drank the ashes of her dead husband, which became part of her own body.
  161. Thomson, 168.
  162. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 244.
  163. Frieda, 69; Heritier, 48, has the twins' deaths the other way round.



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